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There are many things in our lives that are unpredictable and uncertain since the emergence of Covid-19. We have been thrown into a new situation where many changes have had to be made, and we are experiencing stress and anxiety on a daily basis. Coping mechanisms that we may have had before no longer apply, and feelings of isolation have become even more prevalent. 


I offer weekly online counselling sessions to support you during this time. I will offer you a safe space to have your fears and concerns heard and tools to manage those feelings, to find a rhythm or schedule that suits you. I realise that this is a financially challenging time and have lowered all my online counselling fees to concessionary rates. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions!


You May Wish to Talk About the Following


  • Depression

  • Bereavement and Loss

  • Phobias

  • Self Esteem Issues

  • Stress and Fatigue

  • Relationship Issues

  • LGBT Issues

  • Issues around Difference and Diversity

  • Cultural Issues

  • Work Related Issues

  • Aging, Retirement or Isolation  

  • Childhood Sexual Abuse   

  • Anxiety

Copyright © 2017 Anja Schulze

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